The Power of First Impressions in Your Career Journey
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The Power of First Impressions in Your Career Journey

When embarking on a new chapter in your career, whether it's a job interview, a networking call/event, or a business meeting, the first impression you make can set the tone for your entire interaction. Mike Mittleman, a seasoned career coach, often emphasizes the significance of this initial impact.

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While this advice sounds obvious, I can’t tell you how many people I meet fail to make first impressions. We live in an informal world where we don’t even need to use the word “please” anymore. You might need the reminders below. 

Dress for Success

Your attire isn't just about looking good; it's about feeling confident and presenting yourself as a professional. If you don’t know the attire you are supposed to wear, check out the C-Suite of the company on LinkedIn and dress like them. As Mike often says, "Your attire is a reflection of your personal brand."

Beyond the Outfit

While dressing appropriately is crucial, it's just one aspect of making a stellar first impression. Your body language, punctuality, and preparedness also play pivotal roles. Are you a hand talker, one who lies back on Zoom like you are at a movie or the one who leans too far forward? There are better ways.

Remember, every interaction is an opportunity to showcase your skills, values, and dedication.

Mike's Pro Tip

Before any significant career event, take a moment to look in the mirror then repeat for the Zoom call. Ask yourself, "Does my appearance align with the message I want to convey?" If the answer is yes, you're on the right track. If not, consider making adjustments that resonate with your personal and professional goals.

Remember, in the realm of career coaching, it's not just about landing a job. It's about building a brand, establishing connections, and paving a path for long-term success. Mike Mittleman's approach to coaching emphasizes these principles, ensuring that every client is equipped to make a lasting impression in their career journey.


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Mike Mittleman is a career coach whose business focuses on finance professionals based in the NY/CT/NJ tri-state area, helping navigate their career paths with confidence and success. For more tips and personalized coaching, visit


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